The UK's Office for National Statistics has released the kickoff tranche of information from the 2011 Britain census. This unloose includes information on identify together with population estimates past times historic catamenia together with sex, for England together with Wales together with local authorities.
The Guardian are the kickoff to practice a Google Maps based visualisation of the novel data. The Census 2011 Map allows users to sentiment Britain population information past times local authority. You tin operate the drop-down carte to switch betwixt dissimilar population information sets, including population alter since 2011, 2011 population nether v & over 64 together with non-UK brusque term residents.
The Guardian are the kickoff to practice a Google Maps based visualisation of the novel data. The Census 2011 Map allows users to sentiment Britain population information past times local authority. You tin operate the drop-down carte to switch betwixt dissimilar population information sets, including population alter since 2011, 2011 population nether v & over 64 together with non-UK brusque term residents.
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