Now Yous Know Results Of The October 2008 Poll

The results from the latest Social Work Podcast poll are inwards Now You Know Results of the Oct 2008 PollThe results from the latest Social Work Podcast poll are in. Twenty-two of y'all rated your score of understanding alongside the next statement: My clinical skills convey improved from listening to the Social Work Podcast. Fifty percentage (11) strongly agreed, 27% (6) agreed, 13% (2)neither agreed nor disagreed, in addition to 8% (2) disagreed or strongly disagreed.

I am honored in addition to pleased that over 77%of y'all reported that the podcast has improved your clinical skills. My promise is that improved skills volition outcome inwards amend services for our clients. I am likewise aware that the podcasts convey a distinct clinical bias; hereafter podcasts volition address topics to a greater extent than relevant to community organizing in addition to administration.

Thanks for participating. Please catch in 1 lawsuit again to participate inwards November's poll.
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