Now You Lot Know Customer Violence: Interview Amongst Dr. Christina Newhill

 a nationally recognized skilful on customer violence as well as the writer of  Now You Know Client Violence: Interview amongst Dr. Christina Newhill[Episode 35] In today's podcast, I utter amongst Dr. Christina Newhill, a nationally recognized skilful on customer violence as well as the writer of Client Violence inward Social Work Practice: Prevention, Intervention, as well as Research, published inward 2003 yesteryear The Guilford Press. In today’s podcast, Dr. Newhill defines customer violence, talks well-nigh why social workers should hold out concerned amongst customer violence as well as identifies which social workers are at greater risk for violence. She discusses some ways to assess a client’s potential for violence, how to intervene amongst a vehement or potentially vehement client, as well as identifies some strategies for increasing worker safety. We terminate our interview amongst information well-nigh existing inquiry as well as resources for social piece of work educators.

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Dr. Newhill is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Pittsburgh. Her principal interests are inward community mental wellness services as well as the aid as well as handling of clients amongst severe as well as persistent mental illness, amongst a particular involvement inward the assessment of vehement behavior. Dr. Newhill's articles have got been published inward the top social piece of work as well as psychiatric journals. Her inquiry has been funded yesteryear the local as well as federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control as well as the National Institutes for Mental Health.

Interview Questions
  1. Are some social workers to a greater extent than at risk than others?
  2. How do y'all assess a client's potential for violence, specifically towards the social worker?
  3. How do y'all intervene amongst a customer who appears to hold out escalating or who is violent?
  4. What are some strategies for increasing worker security inward a solo-practice setting? inward an agency setting?
  5. What are the NASW guidelines for dealing amongst vehement as well as aggressive clients?
  6. What inquiry has been conducted inward this area?
  7. If a social piece of work educator was listening to this podcast as well as wanted to integrate content well-nigh customer violence into BSW/MSW courses, what resources or information could y'all render that mightiness assist them?



Jonathan Singer: When y'all think of a social worker, what comes to mind? Is it an overweight middle aged adult woman sitting behind a desk giving out nutrient stamps? Or callused police line wannabe removing kids from innocent parents? Well, since you’re listening to the social piece of work podcast, I suspect y'all have got a to a greater extent than realistic as well as generous icon of social workers. In fact, social workers come upwards inward all shapes as well as sizes as well as provider a greater diversity of services inward a greater diversity of settings than whatsoever other helping professional. But the i affair that all social workers have got inward mutual is that nosotros were trained inward what nosotros telephone phone the strengths perspective. When social workers direct a strengths perspective, they facial expression at a client’s strengths, capabilities, as well as resources; they inquire themselves, what do these clients have got going for them that volition assist them to successfully negotiate their electrical flow situation? The strengths perspective is i of the reasons that social workers tin lavatory piece of work successfully amongst so many dissimilar types of clients. There’s a downside nevertheless to taking a strengths perspective. Some social workers ignore the problems or deficits; wrongly believing that if nosotros exclusively facial expression at the positives, goodness things volition happen. Some consider social workers every bit Pollyanna’s who ignore the realities of our client’s lives—thus perpetuating social inequalities. Putting Band-Aids on what is going on. And perchance most importantly for this podcast, some schools of social piece of work ignore the to a greater extent than unsafe aspects of social piece of work inward pursuit of grooming students to consider the best inward clients. And at that spot are unsafe aspects of social work. The recent murder of a Boston expanse social worker, allegedly yesteryear her 19 yr former customer highlights the work that social piece of work every bit a profession has yet to adequately address—the work of customer violence. And that’s the topic of today’s podcast. Regardless of do setting, social workers encounter clients who are vehement or have got the potential for violence. When I worked at the local Community Mental Health agency inward Austin, Texas, nosotros had a code that nosotros would usage to page backup when a customer was escalating or had acquire violent. What nosotros would do is nosotros would telephone phone the receptionist as well as inquire to speak amongst Dr. Red. The receptionist would so brand a edifice broad annunciation that Dr. Red was needed inward a particular business office as well as everyone inward the edifice knew that Dr. Red was a code for backup so that the escalating customer or the vehement customer wouldn’t experience similar they were well-nigh to hold out pounced on yesteryear dozens of angry over-protective social workers. We would mute our ain telephone so every bit non to warning the customer that assist was on the way. And this allowed us to proceed our ain intervention until backup arrived. I came to notice out that this type of code or warning scheme was fairly mutual inward agencies. Why? Because keeping ourselves as well as our clients prophylactic is i of the most basic functions of social work. Despite the importance of this topic, at that spot is relatively petty information available to social workers. For example, the National Association of Social Workers has no guidelines for dealing amongst vehement as well as aggressive clients. So, inward today’s podcast, I utter amongst Dr. Christiana Newhill, a nationally recognized skilful on customer violence as well as the writer of Client Violence inward Social Work Practice: Prevention, Intervention as well as Research published inward 2003 yesteryear the Guilford Press. Dr. Newhill is an Associate Professor at the School of Social Work at the University of Pittsburg. She received her PHD inward Social Work from the University of California-Berkley. She has over 10 years of mental wellness do experience, primarily inward psychiatric emergency as well as inpatient services. Her principal interests are inward Community Mental Health services as well as the aid as well as handling of clients amongst severe as well as persistent mental illness, amongst a particular involvement inward the assessment of vehement behaviors. Dr. Newhill’s articles have got been published inward the top social piece of work as well as psychiatric journals. Her inquiry has been funded yesteryear local as well as federal agencies, including the Centers for Disease Control as well as the National Institutes of Mental Health. In today’s podcast, Dr. Newhill defines customer violence, talks well-nigh why social workers should hold out concerned amongst customer violence as well as identifies which social workers are at greatest risk for violence. She discusses some ways to assess a client’s potential for violence, how to intervene amongst a vehement or potentially vehement client, as well as identifies some strategies for increasing worker’s safety. We ended our interview yesteryear talking well-nigh existing inquiry as well as resources for social piece of work educators. And every bit always, if you’re interested inward to a greater extent than information well-nigh the topic presented inward today’s podcast, exactly locomote to the social piece of work podcast website where y'all volition notice links to paper articles as well as resources specifically on the topic of customer violence. And now, on to the interview amongst Dr. Christina Newhill as well as customer violence.


Jonathan Singer: Christina, cheers so much for beingness hither as well as talking amongst us well-nigh customer violence. I was wondering if y'all could start out yesteryear defining what is customer violence?

Christina Newhill: That’s a goodness question. There are truly many dissimilar definitions of customer violence that have got been y'all know reported inward the research. And I think exactly defining violence inward full general is difficulty. You know, what are the parameters? What’s considered vehement as well as what’s considered merely aggressive? I think at that spot are some forms of interpersonal violence that almost everyone would handle would hold out violence. Say i individual strikes out at the other as well as makes contact, causing injury; most people would sure as shooting class that every bit violence. But, what would y'all telephone phone it if someone strikes out at someone else but they miss, y'all know the other individual ducks? I would soundless consider that violence because the intent was to brand contact; but y'all know it’s exactly fortuitous that the contact wasn’t made. I also include threats every bit violence as well as most investigators do. And the argue is because threats (although non all threats atomic number 82 to violence) what the inquiry has shown is that most violence is preceded yesteryear a threat. So, threats are important on the psychological impact of beingness threatened is often quite significant. So, threats are unremarkably included. Some investigators also include verbal abuse. Other people don’t. Some people lump verbal abuse as well as threats together. So, y'all know, there’s variety of a fence inward the field. And so finally, some investigators, as well as I included this inward my research, include belongings impairment every bit violence because it often goes along amongst other kinds of aggressive deportment as well as is mutual inward settings where other forms of violence are common. For example, an adolescent residential handling pump where belongings impairment is real mutual but so are threats as well as physical violence. So, inward my research, I define violence every bit beingness either an actual physical attack, as well as attempted physical attack, a threat, or belongings damage.

Jonathan Singer: So why should social workers hold out concerned well-nigh customer violence?

Christina Newhill: I think that social workers demand to hold out aware of the reality of do today; which includes customer violence. And i of the reasons that it’s of import for social workers to hold out aware of customer violence is that it is relatively common. It’s sort of similar the elephant inward the room often at clinical meetings; everybody knows that it’s an issue, but people truly don’t utter well-nigh it because they don’t know what to do well-nigh it. In the inquiry that I conducted, 58% of a sample of 1,600 social workers that I surveyed reported that at to the lowest degree 1 incident of violence at some quest inward their career; as well as the bulk of them reported multiple incidents. And so, unfortunately fatalities or serious injuries are rarer; although they are occurring to a greater extent than as well as to a greater extent than frequently. And what I think is disturbing is that often times customer violence isn’t dealt amongst or it’s non acknowledged until a tragedy occurs. What I would similar to consider is for the social piece of work profession to hold out to a greater extent than proactive rather than reactive. So the foremost argue why social workers I think demand to hold out aware of customer violence is the fact that it is common. Secondly, when it occurs it tin lavatory have got a important impact on both the customer as well as the worker. Experiencing an episode of violence as well as those of us who piece of work amongst victims of violence inward full general inward trauma know that often times a trauma reaction occurs. And social workers have got told me that they often have got felt depressed, they’ve felt anxious. Many of the respondents inward my study reported that it wasn’t the incident itself fifty-fifty that caused the trauma reaction, every bit much every bit the lack of back upwards as well as responsiveness of their agency or their colleagues—that compounded things. Some of my respondents said that they left social piece of work or left populace services because of the incidents. So, it also tin lavatory have got the resultant of losing goodness social workers to the profession. And I think the in conclusion argue why it’s of import is that allowing customer violence to occur hurts clients. I think what nosotros have got to bear inward heed is that in i lawsuit a customer strikes you, from that quest on that customer is going to hold out labeled a ‘violent client’ as well as their aid is going to hold out modified. Certain services may hold out closed to them, at that spot may hold out practitioners unwilling to consider them, as well as they volition hold out labeled every bit a vehement client; so it truly hurts clients. I think that to forestall violence is non exactly to service for ourselves, but it truly serves our clients well, inward addition.

Jonathan Singer: Are some social workers to a greater extent than at risk for customer violence than others?

Christina Newhill: Yes, that’s what the inquiry tells us. I mightiness dorsum upwards for exactly a infinitesimal as well as exactly percentage what my particular study involved because so I tin lavatory written report some specifics from that. I was concerned well-nigh the number of customer violence many, many years agone inward large component subdivision because of my ain do experience where I both witnessed every bit good every bit experienced numerous incidents of customer violence. Now I was working inward psychiatric emergency inward inpatient settings which tend to hold out high risk settings as well as so I idea good perchance this is exactly an number for our type of settings. You know, I hateful is it broader than this? And what I discovered when I started to facial expression inward the literature is at that spot truly wasn’t anything out there; that no i had truly studied that inward this country. Now, inward the UK, at that spot had been a number of studies; but the extent to which those could hold out generalized to the US, I exactly didn’t know. So, after I went dorsum to schoolhouse as well as got my doctorate, i of the foremost studies that I conducted was a study of customer violence towards social workers. And for that study, I did a random survey of 1,600 NASW members as well as out of the 1,600 questionnaires, I got 1,129 back—so I got a 71% render rate; so for those of y'all listening to this that know survey research, know that that is unusual.

Jonathan Singer: That’s unusually high.

Christina Newhill:  It’s unusually high, that’s correct. So that told me that the topic touched a push clitoris for the respondents. And so, who is to a greater extent than at risk than others? What I tin lavatory do is percentage what I institute out from my inquiry as well as other researchers, their findings have got been pretty consistent amongst what I found. What I institute inward my survey is that customer violence occurred across all settings. There was no setting that was gratuitous of incidents. But, sure as shooting the proportion of social workers inward dissimilar settings that reported violence differed. And every bit I looked at the numbers, I divided the settings roughly into high risk, moderate risk, as well as lower risk. The highest risk settings included (and this didn’t surprise me every bit good much) at the real top, criminal justice; good that’s non terribly surprising because criminal judge serves individuals who may, y'all know, come upwards into the services amongst problems amongst aggression. Secondly was drug as well as alcohol services. Again, non terribly surprising because nosotros know that drug as well as alcohol (alcohol inward particular) is a disinhibitor as well as is often associated amongst vehement crime. And so 3rd is children inward youth services or kid welfare services. So inward those 3 settings (criminal justice, drug as well as alcohol, as well as children welfare) 75% or to a greater extent than of the respondents that identified those settings every bit beingness their do setting reported at to the lowest degree i incident of violence. Moderate risk settings involved individuals who reported betwixt 54% as well as 75% of the respondents reported violence; as well as this included mental wellness services, developmental disabilities, schoolhouse social work, as well as identify unit of measurement services. And so at the bottom inward terms of the lowest risk services, was services to the aged (13:12), but fifty-fifty there, 44% of the respondents had experienced violence. The finding that was peculiarly striking though from the information was the deviation betwixt manlike individual social workers as well as woman individual social workers inward terms of the reported prevalence of violence. Across all types of violence (property damage, threats, attempted attacks, as well as actual attacks), manlike individual social workers were far to a greater extent than probable to reports incidents of violence than females as well as for those who reported violence, they reported greater numbers of incidents. So, where exclusively 27% of manlike individual social workers reported no incidents of violence; twice that number [48%] (or almost twice that number) of woman individual social workers reported no incidents. But if nosotros facial expression at the numbers of incidents for actual physical attacks, on average, woman individual social workers reported 2 actual physical attacks; manlike individual social workers reported nine physical attacks. Now the enquiry is of course of study what could explicate this? One answer that the information was able to demonstrate was that manlike individual social workers were to a greater extent than probable to piece of work inward the highest risk settings. So they were to a greater extent than probable to piece of work for criminal judge services, drug as well as alcohol services, as well as surprisingly kid welfare services (at to the lowest degree I institute that surprising).  But I think that it goes farther than that. Anecdotally, many of the manlike individual respondents told me that they were to a greater extent than probable to hold out assigned violently aggressive clients than their woman individual counterparts. And when a customer did acquire vehement or aggressive, they were often called inward to bargain amongst the situation. So, I think what’s happening is that agencies are using manlike individual social workers every bit a variety of informal security force. But the disturbing affair well-nigh that is that the manlike individual social workers reported that they weren’t beingness given additional grooming nor were they given “hazard pay” for taking on this additional risk. And they truly felt that they had no alternative or many of them said they felt that it was their responsibleness that they should direct on this additional risk. So I think that’s a finding that nosotros every bit professional person social workers as well as agencies truly demand to think about. Is this truly just—to hold out expecting manlike individual social workers to hold out doing this? So, I think that what nosotros tin lavatory conclude from this is truly 4 things. First, is customer violence towards social workers is non a rare event; rather it’s relatively mutual across do settings. Secondly, risk does vary according to where i works; however, no setting is completely gratuitous of risk. Thirdly, manlike individual social workers are at significantly greater risk of experiencing customer violence than woman individual social workers. And, i number that nosotros have got non talked well-nigh yet is that experiencing an incident of customer violence exacts an emotional terms on the social worker involved. And inward my research, I looked at that as well as asked my respondents how they felt emotionally during the incident as well as right away afterwards; it was real clear that the emotional terms was significant.

Jonathan Singer: So how did social workers react emotionally when they experienced customer violence?

Christina Newhill: Well I was real curious well-nigh this because it seemed to me that experiencing customer violence is a important event. I was wondering non exclusively how did social workers experience during as well as right away next experiencing an incident of violence; but I was also curious every bit to what extent the incident may have got affected their feelings well-nigh their profession as well as changes inward their do habits. And what I institute was that social workers reported a considerable diversity of emotions that they experienced; as well as the emotions varied depending upon the type of violence that they experienced. So for example, social workers who experienced an indecent of belongings damage, overall, tended to experience angry. They were angry that the customer had destroyed the property; but every bit many of the respondents said, belongings tin lavatory hold out replaced, it’s non a person. So the predominant feeling was anger, some frustration. With threats, social workers predominantly felt scared, fearful as well as anxious. Not terribly surprising, threats left social workers feeling real anxious well-nigh what mightiness happen. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 threat implies that danger or violence may or may non occur. So social workers often left feeling real frightened, non knowing if the customer was going to send through on the threat, non knowing how to respond to it, as well as feeling real helpless. Clients [SWP note: nosotros believe Dr. Newhill intended to tell “social workers”] who experienced physical attacks were often angry, scared, as well as anxious. But they also reported 3 emotions that were rarely reported amongst belongings impairment as well as threats as well as this included feeling shocked as well as shook up, helpless as well as inadequate, as well as drained as well as exhausted. Many of the social workers who experienced physical attacks described reactions that were real similar to trauma reactions. I mean, I did non inquire well-nigh specific criteria for trauma but they often described non beingness able to sleep, having intrusive recollections of the incident, as well as often feeling real wound that this had happened. Many of the respondents said things similar “You know, I idea I had a goodness reaction amongst the client”, “I don’t understand why this happened”, “What did I do wrong” as well as blaming themselves for what had occurred.

Jonathan Singer: How do y'all assess a customer potential for violence; specifically towards the social worker?

Christina Newhill: Well, it’s of import that ahead of fourth dimension that y'all have got an adequate noesis base; peculiarly regarding risk factors—what nosotros prefer to telephone phone risk markers. And these are factors or markers that tend to hold out associated amongst vehement behavior. I mean, the odds are e'er inward the favor of the private non behaving violently. There’s e'er a residue betwixt risk markers as well as protective factors; that has to hold out taken into consideration every bit well. For example, i of the most powerful protective factors is good, positive social support. You may have got a customer that has a host of risk markers for vehement or aggressive deportment but if they have got people around them who aid well-nigh them, who tin lavatory render them amongst resources as well as back upwards as well as assist them piece of work through their problems as well as negotiate their difficulties, they may hold out able to come upwards through whatever their crisis is without behaving inward an aggressive way. That’s an of import affair to bear inward mind. And of course, increasing social back upwards as well as helping to ameliorate that for clients is something that social workers do real well.

Jonathan Singer: Now, a quick question. What’s the deviation betwixt a risk element (which is a commonly used term) as well as a risk marker?

Christina Newhill: Okay, goodness question. In the risk assessment inquiry as well as literature, risk factors advise predictive power. So, if something is a risk element so it way at that spot is a causal affect; a risk marking way an associative affect. So the kinds of markers that I’m going to advert don’t necessarily predict that violence volition occur amongst whatsoever grade of certainty, but it elevates the risk level. The to a greater extent than of these risk markers that somebody has; they’re similar ruby-red flags that y'all merely demand to pay attending to. And, I similar to think of them every bit divided into 3 spheres. As social workers nosotros utter well-nigh the bio-psycho-social as well as that’s truly the approach to looking at risk assessment. So nosotros have got private clinical risk factors (which tin lavatory hold out divided into demographic risk factors as well as clinical risk factors as well as biological risk factors), so nosotros have got historical risk factors, as well as environmental/contextual risk factors. There are a whole host of dissimilar things that y'all would facial expression for that commonly are exactly component subdivision of a goodness psychosocial assessment but they are also things that y'all exactly desire to hold out warning for every bit you’re reviewing the client’s records as well as information the families may give you, as well as so forth. Just know what to hold out warning for.

Jonathan Singer: So, if I were a clinician as well as I had a customer that was talking to me well-nigh previous violence inward their life or them beingness vehement towards others, they mightiness advert something that wasn’t typically considered a risk factor, but for them it would hold out a risk marker? Because for them it would hold out a ruby-red flag—this is something that has happened inward the past, I should facial expression out for this inward the future.

Christina Newhill: That’s what nosotros telephone phone a trigger.
Jonathan Singer: Trigger, okay.

Christina Newhill: So, for example—and I’m glad that y'all mentioned a history of violence. Because of whatsoever unmarried risk marker, having a history of recent repetitive violence in all probability has the greatest predictive strength of anything. So, if somebody has latterly been violent/repetitively been violent, so y'all desire to truly pay unopen attending to that. Now everyone has dissimilar circumstances surrounding their particular triggers for violence. And so, for i individual it mightiness hold out a create do amongst their mother, for some other individual it mightiness hold out beingness intoxicated, for some other private it mightiness hold out humiliating loss; as well as so, every bit y'all inquire clients well-nigh their history as well as whether they’ve ever been vehement or aggressive towards someone, y'all desire to inquire well-nigh the circumstances. What was the situation? Who was involved? What were they feeling at the time? So that y'all tin lavatory acquire a sense of what types of circumstances for them elevates risk; as well as then, i of your goodness social piece of work interventions would hold out to seek to assist the customer into a province of affairs that is dissimilar from that as well as that volition protect them as well as assist to mitigate against whatsoever aggressive urges.

Jonathan Singer: So could y'all give some examples of risk markers?

Christina Newhill: Sure, allow me give y'all a pair of examples. In my book, I utter well-nigh these risk markers inward detail, as well as inward particular, why as well as how they operate every bit risk markers. But here’s an example—an environmental/contextual risk marking would hold out peer line per unit of measurement area from peers who endorse violence. So y'all mightiness have got an private (and this is peculiarly of import when working amongst adolescents) you’re working amongst a teen who is lonely as well as who wants to belong to a group. And so, at that spot is a grouping that is willing to direct that teen into their grouping but that teen has to demonstrate that they’re going to hold out component subdivision of that grouping yesteryear behaving violently as well as that violence is endorsed every bit a way of gaining powerfulness as well as gaining status. So hither y'all have got a kid who nether other circumstances mightiness non comport violently but engages inward that because the grouping endorses that as well as truly supports as well as reinforces that behavior. Another illustration of an environmental/contextual risk marking would hold out potential victims that are accessible. What I often tell my students is that I think that all of us have got the potential for violence given the right or incorrect circumstances. I think most of us mightiness comport violently to defend ourselves or to defend our kid if our kid was beingness wound yesteryear somebody or attacked yesteryear somebody. For many of our clients, interpersonal violence occurs exclusively inward sure interpersonal contexts. So y'all may hold out working amongst a customer who is exclusively vehement toward a particular identify unit of measurement fellow member because they have got a longstanding animosity amongst that identify unit of measurement member. As a social worker, so what y'all would do if y'all desire to forestall violence from occurring, is y'all don’t advise that that customer locomote abode as well as alive amongst that particular identify unit of measurement member—you have got them alive amongst somebody else. Or y'all have got a customer who has maybe made a threat to wound their mother; so what y'all would desire to do is seek to separate that customer as well as that woman bring upwards as well as have got the customer locomote somewhere else until y'all tin lavatory piece of work amongst the customer as well as the woman bring upwards as well as seek to sort out what is going on. So those are exactly a pair of examples of what nosotros would telephone phone risk markers; as well as they differ from private to private inward terms of what the particular factors are that are involved inward that particular marker.

Jonathan Singer: So y'all mentioned at that spot were differences betwixt risk factors as well as risk markers; as well as y'all also said that at that spot were/you said that a goodness assessment (biopsychosocial assessment) is truly the best affair to do. Are at that spot whatsoever guidelines?

Christina Newhill: Yes, at that spot are guidelines; as well as I have got rather detailed guidelines inward my book. Let me exactly percentage inward a real summary fashion what some of them are. The foremost guideline is y'all desire to (before y'all encounter amongst the client—and this is exactly variety of goodness clinical practice) notice out every bit much background information every bit y'all tin lavatory because many of these so-called risk markers are going to hold out acquaint inward the history of that customer (in the psychosocial history). So y'all desire to review available documents, whatsoever clinical records, as well as history of yesteryear hospitalizations. Why would that hold out important? Well, because of our civil commitment criteria; which are danger to self or others. So someone has been inward the hospital, peculiarly involuntarily, that is a ruby-red flag. What landed that individual inward the hospital? Were they a danger to others? Or fifty-fifty a danger to self? You desire to pay attending to that every bit well. You desire to consider if at that spot are whatsoever criminal judge records, whatsoever history of arrest or incarcerations. Is at that spot whatsoever history of violence towards others? You don’t exactly desire to know if at that spot is a history or not, but y'all desire to know what those circumstances are. Is at that spot whatsoever history of your customer beingness a victim of abuse? Because many times people who are victims of violence as well as abuse, they may larn that vehement deportment is a way to solve problems. It’s a way to acquire your way. Maybe they have got been a victim, but so they may so plough that around as well as acquire a perpetrator. Then I have got a number of guidelines for the clinical assessment of the client. I volition exactly advert i of them. When y'all are assessing a client, nether all circumstances, usage all of your senses. Use what y'all see, what y'all hear, what y'all smell. Often times y'all tin lavatory tell if someone is intoxicated because y'all odour alcohol or y'all odour marijuana, as well as so forth. So y'all desire to notice anything important well-nigh the client’s physical appearance suggestive of a risk of violence. For example, does the customer demonstrate whatsoever scars or whatsoever tattoos that may have got particular significance or may advise that the customer has been inward fights? You desire to pay attending to that. I know when I was working inward California, if I saw a customer that had a teardrop tattooed inward the corner of his or her eye—what that meant inward California was that y'all spent i yr inward the California Youth Authority. For an adolescent to hold out inward the California Youth Authority at that spot was inevitably a history of vehement or aggressive behavior. Now inward other parts of the country, that that teardrop way that y'all have got killed somebody. You have got to hold out cognizant of the important of clothing patterns as well as tattoos as well as so forth every bit y'all get to locomote well-nigh your assessment.

Jonathan Singer: So Christiana, when I worked at the crisis intervention unit, it would non hold out uncommon for the mental wellness deputies to convey inward a kid who had a known history of psychiatric illness. They’d convey him into the mental wellness pump every bit opposed to the detention pump because they’re trying to hold out sensitive of this kid’s psychiatric disorder. So my enquiry for y'all though is: how do y'all intervene amongst a customer who appears to hold out escalating or who is truly violent?

Christina Newhill: That tin lavatory hold out a real anxiety provoking province of affairs for a clinician. In those kinds of situations y'all may have got been at that spot from the starting fourth dimension or maybe every bit your suggesting, an incident happened out inward the community as well as the private is beingness brought in. I think it’s of import to approach the province of affairs inward a calm as well as relaxed variety of way as well as to opened upwards up attempting to engage the customer yesteryear merely commenting on the obvious—“you seem truly upset”. That sounds real simple, but the purpose of that is that it lets the customer know that you’re trying to understand their feelings. And I think that i of the most powerful tools that y'all tin lavatory usage inward such a province of affairs is empathy. Many clients who have got problems amongst aggression as well as violence don’t acquire much empathy from others, because of their behavior. And so, you’re going to give them a dissimilar experience. You’re going to give them the message that you’re non going to turn down them because of what they’ve done. You desire to understand where they’re coming from. After y'all sort of comment on the obvious, so it’s real of import that y'all innovate yourself. They may non know where they are, they may non know who y'all are, they may have got been sort of brought inward a real strong-armed variety of way; so, they’re entitled to know who y'all are, what your seat is, as well as what you’re going to do. It’s real of import to allow them know your argue for beingness there, explicate what they’re rights are, hold out real honest inward their communication, as well as so invite them to tell y'all what happened/what brought them inward here—and hear to them. And it is clients that have got problems amongst violence also have got problems amongst expressing themselves verbally. If they were facile inward expressing themselves verbally, they mightiness hold out able to resolve their problems that way. And so, the customer may struggle a petty bit; it’s existent of import that y'all hold out patient, as well as y'all listen, as well as allow them to tell their story. Empathizing amongst the customer does non hateful that y'all are condoning what they did; it merely way that y'all understand they’re frustrated, they’re angry, or whatever the feelings seem to be. And after they’ve had a risk to tell their story, so y'all tin lavatory tell them your agreement of the province of affairs as well as explicate to them where things sit down at nowadays as well as what’s going to come about next. I institute that merely listening to people/empathizing amongst their feelings tin lavatory locomote a long way inward helping someone deescalate. If people experience that their welfare is truly what you’re concerned well-nigh as well as you’re at that spot to truly back upwards their best interest, often times they volition respond inward kind. This is non to tell that y'all don’t desire to direct precautions. Let’s tell that a customer is brought inward yesteryear the police line as well as they are inward restraints. And real often what the private volition tell is “can y'all tell the police line to direct the restraints off”. You may want/you think, good I’m going to demand to do that inward guild for the customer to trust me. And I think y'all have got to think first, are y'all going to experience prophylactic if those restraints are removed? And it’s perfectly fine to tell no. And what y'all tin lavatory tell to the customer is, “I understand that it feels awful to hold out restrained. Right now, I don’t know plenty well-nigh the province of affairs to brand that decision. So, why don’t nosotros utter a petty chip first, as well as so nosotros tin lavatory utter after well-nigh removing the restraints”. And if the customer hears that y'all empathized amongst their province of affairs as well as that this is something that tin lavatory hold out revisited, often times they volition direct that.

Jonathan Singer: I know that inward children’s services, i of the things that nosotros would do is nosotros would terminate upwards having to restrain/we the clinicians would have got to confine kids who were getting violent. And i affair that nosotros would tell is, “I am going to demand y'all to non create do for a infinitesimal as well as so nosotros volition start to allow go.” Basically, nosotros volition acquire off y'all or nosotros volition loosen the handbasket handle or whatever it happened to be. And inward component subdivision nosotros did that because it showed some self-control. It wasn’t that at that spot was whatsoever magical affair well-nigh the infinitesimal marking (that I know of) but it was a way to demonstrate the ‘you tin lavatory command yourself for a minute’; as well as for a kid, a infinitesimal is an eternity, especially if you’re beingness restrained yesteryear half dozen guys. Is that similar to what you’re talking well-nigh inward terms of somebody coming inward restraints that says “release me”, as well as so y'all say, “well let’s brand sure that you’re non at risk right at nowadays for lashing out?”

Christina Newhill: Right, it’s real similar. And i of the things that I have got e'er been impressed amongst every bit I have got worked amongst people is that often times clients are quite honest well-nigh their powerfulness to command their behavior. So, I would sometimes every bit a client, “If the restraints are removed, are y'all sure that you’re going to hold out able to command your behavior?” And many times, clients would say, “I don’t know” or “I don’t think so.” So so I would say, “Well maybe it would hold out best to leave of absence them on for now”; amongst the implication that nosotros volition exactly direct this i pace at a time.  One in conclusion quest I desire to brand is, never brand promises that y'all cannot keep; as well as I’ll explicate why I tell that. You may encounter a customer who volition say, “Well I’ll utter to y'all if y'all hope that I won’t hold out given whatsoever medication or if y'all hope that I won’t have got to locomote into the hospital.” It’s tempting to say, “Oh I hope that”, because the customer is maxim that so he or she volition utter to you. But it’s of import non to do that, because at that quest at the starting fourth dimension of the interview, y'all don’t know what’s going to happen; as well as y'all don’t desire to hold out inward a province of affairs where y'all hope the customer ‘no y'all won’t hold out hospitalized’ as well as so y'all have got to hospitalize the client. Because non exclusively volition that rupture the trust that the customer may have got built amongst you, but y'all correspond the mental wellness scheme or the wellness aid scheme or the kid welfare scheme as well as that customer volition lose trust inward non exclusively you, but services inward general. That may undermine the probability that the customer volition hold out engaged as well as volition have services. What y'all tin lavatory tell instead is, merely that: “I don’t know what the resultant of our interview is going to hold out as well as I don’t desire to brand a hope to y'all that I’m non able to keep. Let’s utter to a greater extent than well-nigh the province of affairs as well as so y'all as well as I tin lavatory utter over what the options mightiness be”—so that y'all direct a collaborative approach. And if the customer realizes that they are going to have got a tell inward things or at to the lowest degree they’re going to hold out listened to, so often times y'all tin lavatory displace forward.

Jonathan Singer: So my in conclusion enquiry is, if a social piece of work educator was listening to this podcast as well as wanted to integrate content well-nigh customer violence into either Bachelors of Social Work or Masters of Social Work courses, what kinds of resources or information could y'all render that mightiness assist them—and this tin lavatory fifty-fifty include some of the inquiry that has been conducted inward the area. 

Christina Newhill: There hasn’t truly been a lot of research. In the 1980’s, the British Association of Social Workers sponsored a number of studies inward Britain that sort of opened upwards the conversation well-nigh this issue. Studies inward the U.S. upwards until the early on 80’s were pretty much confined to Psychiatry. There were studies well-nigh customer violence, especially on psychiatric units, that were published inward psychiatric journals. But so inward well-nigh the mid 80’s/early 90’s at that spot were a number of studies inward the U.S., predominantly inward kid welfare because the number of risk assessment as well as security inward abode visits is real key to kid welfare work. Child welfare services have got truly been ahead of the game inward terms of non exclusively doing inquiry but creating risk assessment protocols. However, much is left to hold out done inward terms of testing the validity of these protocols. I think here’s where the inquiry needs to go. I think nosotros know yesteryear at nowadays that customer violence is relatively prevalent, it’s an number for do as well as it’s something that nosotros demand to address. We have got come upwards up amongst a lot of clinical strategies as well as a lot of practical strategies for increasing safety. What nosotros don’t know is how effective these strategies are as well as I think that’s where the inquiry has to locomote next. That’s non going to hold out slow because it’s going to require some variety of a longitudinal pattern that tin lavatory follow as well as acquire a baseline assessment of the incidents of violence, employ some strategies, as well as so follow over fourth dimension the extent of which those strategies seem to hold out working—but I think that’s where nosotros demand to go. Hopefully inward the time to come as well as perchance through an scheme such every bit OSHA because there’s increasingly a concern well-nigh workplace violence inward full general as well as the work concern community has taken that real seriously. So I think it may hold out a multidisciplinary variety of inquiry agenda as well as hopefully that volition occur because I think that’s where nosotros demand to go.

Jonathan Singer: And so, if I were an teacher inward a BSW course of study (I was didactics a BSW course) as well as I wanted to integrate information other than the inquiry findings (because it doesn’t sound similar at that spot are many), what sort of resources are out at that spot for my students/for designing a whole course of study well-nigh it or exactly putting a petty chip of information into a foundation course?

Christina Newhill: Right. I think that at that spot are several junctures inward the curriculum where information on security as well as risk assessment tin lavatory go. I think that some information should locomote inward the foundation curriculum inward terms of exactly making students aware that security is an of import number as well as basic strategies for security when working amongst clients as well as going out inward the field. More advanced clinical strategies for working amongst involuntary clients/working amongst vehement as well as aggressive clients/clients who may have got problems amongst gist usage as well as severe mental affliction mightiness locomote inward to a greater extent than advanced do classes. I think that i could also develop a real interesting course of study inward this area. In fact, inward my book, at the terminate of the bulk I utter well-nigh that as well as have got a model syllabus inward the dorsum of the bulk that tin lavatory walk the reader through how such a course of study mightiness look. One could truly pick as well as direct the diverse modules as well as variety of plug them in. And I have got (in the book) instance analysis exercises, give-and-take questions, readings, as well as so forth. I think that the of import affair is exactly have got the cloth somewhere. I know that when I foremost started out inward this, sometimes social piece of work educators would say, “Well are y'all sure y'all truly desire to utter well-nigh this because this mightiness frighten students”. I truly think that it’s the opposite, that it empowers students. I think that students acquire frightened when they’re non prepared as well as they leave of absence as well as so they encounter a customer who is making a threat as well as they don’t know what to do. The pupil as well as the practitioner who is prepared to encounter the unexpected is inward the best seat to non exactly protect themselves, but protect their clients every bit good as well as render the best services.

Jonathan Singer: Sounds similar your bulk is an first-class resource. Not exactly for the research, but also for educators who mightiness hold out teaching; every bit good every bit of course of study for students who desire to learn—or for clinicians out inward the field, actually. And so, if it’s okay amongst you, nosotros volition pose a link onto the Social Work Podcast website where listeners tin lavatory acquire a re-create of the book.

Christina Newhill: Sure, that would hold out great. And I also tin lavatory send service some summary cloth on the website that I usage inward my workshops that mightiness hold out useful to the listeners.

Jonathan Singer: Okay great; good all of that information tin lavatory hold out institute at the Social Work Podcast website, at And Christina, give cheers y'all so much for taking the fourth dimension to utter to us today well-nigh this truly of import topic of customer violence.

Christina Newhill: It’s been a pleasure, give cheers y'all for having me.



Transcription generously donated by: Natasha Bancroft, LMSW (Licensed Master Social Worker), QMHP (Qualified Mental Health Professional), CMHP (Child Mental Health Professional). Currently employed amongst Community Mental Health for Central Michigan every bit a clinical social worker as well as Youth Intervention Specialist. She is passionate well-nigh providing preventative clinical services to at-risk youth as well as families inward her rural community. 

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