New Urban Lexicon Map Of San Francisco

Reddit user atrubetskoy has been making roughly pop Urban Dictionary maps lately. I item liked his map of the Bay Area According to Urban Dictionary. In fact I liked it thence much that I stole the idea.
Urban Dictionary is is a crowd-sourced online lexicon of slang words as well as phrases. It every minute good seems to endure a identify where a lot of white middle-class kids teach to depict their white, middle-class neighborhood every minute a 'gangsta ghetto'.

The methodology for atrubetskoy' maps is really simple. He simply types inwards a urban gist or a neighborhood lift into Urban Dictionary as well as thence adds the Definition he finds to his Urban Dictionary map.

I decided to practice my ain version of atrubetskoy's map alongside Mapbox Studio Classic. Mapbox Studio Classic's CartoCSS allows you lot to alter place-names, thence it is a non bad agency to re-label a map.

To alter place-name labels inwards Mapbox Studio Classic you lot simply postulate to discovery the CartoCSS for the administrative score that you lot want to alter (in my representative this was score type 'city', 'town' as well as 'village'). Then all you lot postulate to practice is type inwards the place-name you lot want to alter as well as its replacement. So to alter 'San Francisco' to 'Tha City' I add,

[name_en='San Francisco'] { 
    text-name: '"Tha City"'; 

to the CartoCSS for urban gist labels.

So - hither is my Urban Dictionary Map of San Francisco.
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