Last twelvemonth Esri created an interactive map showing the per centum of GitHub users inwards Britain cities. You tin sack forthwith persuasion a map showing the popularity of GitHub to a greater extent than or less the world.
Where is GitHub most pop inwards the UK shows the per centum of the population using GitHub inwards dissimilar Britain cities. What I most liked almost this Britain map was the purpose of scaled Octocat map markers to visualize the per centum of the population who are GitHub users inwards each city.
The novel GitHub Map likewise uses the wonderful Octocat logo every bit map markers. It has likewise used a few other incarnations of Octocat to exhibit the differences inwards the per centum of users inwards each metropolis to a greater extent than or less the world.
Using the map you lot tin sack persuasion the pose out of GitHub users inwards cities to a greater extent than or less the world. The map shows the pose out of users inwards each metropolis every bit a per centum of the city's population. If you lot click on a city's Octocat logo you lot tin sack persuasion the city's population, the pose out of GitHub users inwards the metropolis in addition to the per centum of the population who are GitHub users.
The novel GitHub Map likewise uses the wonderful Octocat logo every bit map markers. It has likewise used a few other incarnations of Octocat to exhibit the differences inwards the per centum of users inwards each metropolis to a greater extent than or less the world.
Using the map you lot tin sack persuasion the pose out of GitHub users inwards cities to a greater extent than or less the world. The map shows the pose out of users inwards each metropolis every bit a per centum of the city's population. If you lot click on a city's Octocat logo you lot tin sack persuasion the city's population, the pose out of GitHub users inwards the metropolis in addition to the per centum of the population who are GitHub users.
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