New How To Uncovering Your Local Superhero

Jonah Adkins has created a U.S.Avengers interactive map which tin assistance yous uncovering your local Marvel superhero. U.S.Avengers is a novel Marvel comic mass serial which features an America-themed squad of Avengers. Using Jonah's map yous tin uncovering which of thees superheroes is from your U.S, state.

io9 has been keeping tabs on Marvel's promotional comprehend fine art releases for the novel U.S.Avengers comic. Marvel has released i promotional comprehend for each U.S.A. of America state. Each of these private patch covers assigns an private Avenger hero to the featured state. So io9 has been able to last out the Avenger superhero for all 50 states.

Jonah has used this data to exercise his U.S.Avengers Map, which shows the Avenger superhero for every state. Each patch includes a map label which shows the cite of the local Avenger superhero. You tin fifty-fifty mouse-over these superhero labels to sentiment a pic of the hero,

Jonah used Mapbox Studio to exercise his custom comic styled map. The map uses iv dissimilar background images to exercise the comic half-tone type effect.
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