New How The Footing Is Connected

The countries of the globe are connected inwards many ways. There are the shipping links that permit us to move from 1 solid soil to another. There are the global communication networks which permit us to utter amongst people on the other side of the world. There are besides transnational pipelines together with electricity grids which permit countries to import together with export power.

Exploring the World of Connectivity shows to a greater extent than or less of the massive infrastructure networks that brand possible global communication, move together with liberate energy exchange. The infrastructure networks displayed on the map are based on those outlined inwards Parag Khanna’s volume 'Connectography - Mapping the Future of Global Civilization'.

The mapped networks are categorized into the iii principal areas of transportation, liberate energy together with communication. These unlike categories tin dismiss endure isolated on the map past times using the filters inwards the map sidebar. Each of the iii categories are subdivided into private infrastructure networks which tin dismiss besides endure selected using the filters inwards the map sidebar.
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