You don't come across many developers experimenting alongside the Google Maps API these days. This is a shame, equally yous tin attain to a greater extent than or less amazing visual effects using the satellite imagery from Google Maps - equally these experiments volition hopefully demonstrate/
Urban Collage allows yous to thought an animated collage of a pose out of the same satellite views, seen at dissimilar zoom levels. To attain your collage yous but remove to teach inwards 2 locations (they remove to hold upward locations that yous tin attain between). The application thus uses your 2 locations to slow pan through the driving road betwixt those 2 cities. Essentially yous are presented alongside an urban collage of the road equally seen at dissimilar zoom levels inwards Google Maps aerial view.

One of the commencement applications to experiment alongside cutting upward Google Maps satellite views was #rorschmap. #rorschmap uses the Google Maps API to attain a kaleidoscope for whatever place on the Earth.
The application displays the Google Maps satellite thought of whatever place inwards the public and, using the same regulation of multiple reflection that yous detect inwards kaleidoscopes, creates an animated Rorschach essay out effect.

Displayce is to a greater extent than or less other serial of visual map experiments created using the Google Maps API. Each of the experimental views inwards Displayce uses a pose out of Google Map instances on ane page to attain an experimental map pattern.
For example, 'foci' (pictured above) overlays a pose out of Google Maps aerial views on summit of each other. Each map instance shows a thought of the same place but each map has a consecutively lower zoom level.
Displayce includes iv dissimilar map experiments all creating a dissimilar visual upshot yesteryear stitching together dissimilar map instances to attain dissimilar patterns. You tin teach inwards whatever place inwards the public into each of the experiments and, if yous similar the resulting experimental map, yous tin catch the URL for the thought together with portion it alongside your friends.

Of degree Google Maps aerial views are oftentimes industrial plant of fine art inwards their ain right. The public is a beautiful house together with that beauty tin hold upward flora inwards many Google Maps satellite images.
Chuchichechocha is a Google Maps satellite thought slideshow, developed yesteryear David Schmidt, which showcases to a greater extent than or less of the virtually beautiful views flora on Google Maps. The slideshow automatically animates through a large pose out of beautiful images flora inwards Google Maps.
The application includes controls to interruption or to manually navigate through the images. Each epitome likewise comes alongside a unique URL thus yous tin portion your favorite views alongside your friends.
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