New Exploring Youtube Yesteryear Location

The YouTube Explorer is a means of finding too watching YouTube videos based on the place of where the videos were uploaded from. Why y'all would desire to create that is some other matter.

Every forthwith too in 1 trial to a greater extent than individual uses the place information from the YouTube API to exhibit videos on a map. The work is that the place of YouTube videos never seems to bring much bearing on the content of the video. The YouTube Explorer is hence piffling to a greater extent than than a means of exploring random YouTube videos.

Click on the map too y'all volition last shown a video uploaded from that location. Unfortunately the YouTube actor e'er seems to exhibit a screenshot from the previous video too so y'all genuinely bring to click on the video to discovery it isn't something that y'all genuinely desire to watch.

If y'all desire to lookout YouTube videos most unlike locations unopen to the basis y'all mightiness create improve to bring a await at my onetime Video Map. This map is over 5 years onetime forthwith only surprisingly a lot of the videos all the same appear to work.

The wages of my onetime map is that the videos are hand-picked, too so the content genuinely matches the place on the map. Therefore if y'all desire to lookout a video of Devil's Tower, Wyoming y'all tin genuinely role the map to honour a video shot at that location.
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