New X Colombian Election Maps Inward One

On the 17 June Iván Duque Márquez of the Democratic Center stood against Gustavo Petro of Humane Republic of Colombia inwards the minute circular of the Colombian Presidential election. Iván Duque Márquez received the close votes together with volition serve equally President of Republic of Colombia from seven August 2018 to seven August 2022.

The Colombian Presidential Elections - Second Round is a fantastic mapped visualization of the results from the minute circular of the Colombian Presidential election. The map starts off alongside a uncomplicated choropleth sentiment showing the winner inwards each electoral district. It thus runs through a expose of unlike methods for mapping the results to render an always to a greater extent than nuanced analysis of the 2018 Presidential Election.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 uncomplicated choropleth sentiment of the results shows that Iván Duque Márquez won close northern together with eastern electoral districts inwards Colombia. Gustavo Petro won close of the southern together with eastern districts. One problem, however, alongside this simplistic choropleth sentiment is that it doesn't conduct maintain into concern human relationship the huge population differences betwixt unlike districts. Election districts inwards the Amazon are really large inwards surface area merely conduct maintain small-scale populations. This tin flame distort the overall painting present of the election map.

The map overcomes this work yesteryear switching to scaled circular markers for each electoral district. In this sentiment the circles are colored to present the winning candidate inwards the district together with are scaled inwards size to reverberate the size of the voting population. This sentiment reveals to a greater extent than geographical differences inwards how the dry soil voted. Municipalities close the edge alongside Venezuela voted to a greater extent than oftentimes than non for Iván Duque Márquez together with municipalities on the coast voted to a greater extent than for Gustavo Petro.

The Colombian Presidential Elections - Second Round visualization ends upwardly yesteryear removing the map completely together with reorganizing the municipality circular markers yesteryear the pct of voters who voted for each candidate (on the horizontal plane) together with yesteryear portion (on the vertical plane). This makes it much easier to run across how Republic of Colombia voted yesteryear region. The Pacific portion voted to a greater extent than for Petro spell regions inwards the pump together with the due west of the dry soil voted to a greater extent than for Iván Duque Márquez.
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