New Worldwide Population Density

H5N1 yoke of weeks agone I wrote almost a 3D WebGL visualization of Europe's population called 3D Global Human Settlement. This 3D model uses information from the European Commission's Global Human Settlement Layer, to exhibit the population of Europe equally peaks in addition to troughs, where superlative represents population density.

Since I wrote almost this 3D map Alasdair Rae, of the University of Sheffield, has been exploring population density inwards Europe inwards much to a greater extent than detail. In Think your province is crowded? These maps give away the truth almost population density across Europe Rae has mapped Eurostat’s population density grid information for 2011. This map visualizes the population density inwards each foursquare kilometer inwards Europe.

He has also created a tabular array which shows the population density of each European country. This tabular array includes a column showing how many people inwards each province alive inwards the the most densely populated 1 foursquare kilometer of that country. By comparing this figure for each province you lot tin meet where the most densely populated foursquare kilometers are inwards Europe. In Barcelona to a greater extent than than 53,000 people inhabit a unmarried 1km². This is the most densely populated surface area inwards Europe. Paris has the minute most densely populated km², amongst a 1km² containing to a greater extent than than 50,000 people.

Alasdair Rae's article includes a brief intelligence of some of the most densely populated areas exterior of Europe. He also links to Duncan Smith's interactive map of World Population Density. Another interactive map which shows worldwide population information is SEDAC Population Estimator (GPWv4). This interactive map uses NASA's basis Observing System Data in addition to Information System (EOSDIS) information to exhibit where the world's population lives.

The SEDAC Population Estimator map includes a tool to delineate an surface area on the map to meet an gauge of the population that alive there. You tin hence delineate a foursquare kilometer on the map to brand your ain comparisons amongst Alasdair's most densely populated foursquare kilometers inwards Europe. For example, I drew a foursquare kilometer at random inwards Dhaka, People's Republic of Bangladesh in addition to the map gave me a population gauge of 107,804. This is over twice equally many people equally the 52,000 people living inwards Europe's most densely populated 1km² inwards Barcelona.
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