New Nyc Eatery Inspection Scores

The NYC Foodiverse is a information visualization of New York City's eating seat sanitation inspection data. The visualization besides includes Foursquare reviews, ratings too toll tiers for all New York restaurants.

The visualization includes iii dissimilar ways to explore the data. In the map thought NYC Foodiverse marks each New York eating seat yesteryear its inspection grade. All the restaurants are color-coded to demonstrate the assort they received inwards their end sanitation inspection. You tin order notice hover over private restaurants on the map to thought details on when the eating seat was end inspected, its toll tier too the divulge of likes it has had on Foursquare.

The graph thought provides to a greater extent than or less other visualization of the same data. In this scatter plot thought the restaurants are plotted yesteryear sanitation score too toll tier. In other words the restaurants at the top-right of the graph are the almost expensive restaurants amongst the dirtiest sanitation conditions. The restaurants inwards the bottom-left of the graph are the cheapest restaurants amongst the best sanitation conditions.
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