New Mapping Seattle Crashes

Seattle Collisions is a mapped visualization of Seattle vehicle collisions since 2006. The tool allows you lot to analyze Seattle Department of Transportation information yesteryear place as well as calculate the economical terms of the vehicle collisions.

You tin post away filter the vehicle collision information yesteryear appointment as well as yesteryear electrical flow map bounds. Seattle Collisions also allows you lot to persuasion the collision information as well as economical costs for each private Seattle neighborhood. If you lot direct a neighborhood from the map you lot tin post away persuasion a graph showing the position out of collisions since 2006. You tin post away also persuasion details on the severity of the collisions, the type of vehicles involved, the weather, route & lite conditions as well as an approximate of the probable economical cost.

The economical terms calculations are based on the National Safety Council's estimated terms of motor-vehicle injuries.

The 'About' department of Seattle Collisions includes an informative department outlining the forepart as well as back-end technology scientific discipline used inwards creating this impressive information visualization of vehicle collisions.
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