The USGS has released an interactive map which shows all the province used for crops together with all the possible cropland inwards the world. As the world's population continues to grow the USGS believes that monitoring global croplands together with their H2O piece of job is essential to ensure futurity nutrient security.
The Global Croplands map provides xxx meter resolution cropland information for the entire world. The information comes from analyzing Landsat satellite information using the Google public Engine cloud computing platform. Europe, India, the USA, mainland People's Republic of China together with Russian Federation accept the highest cropland areas together with combined accept almost one-half of the world's cropland.
The 30-m global cropland information used inwards the Global Cropland map is currently inwards the peer-review stage. Once this peer review procedure is over the information volition last released together with available to download.
The Global Croplands map provides xxx meter resolution cropland information for the entire world. The information comes from analyzing Landsat satellite information using the Google public Engine cloud computing platform. Europe, India, the USA, mainland People's Republic of China together with Russian Federation accept the highest cropland areas together with combined accept almost one-half of the world's cropland.
The 30-m global cropland information used inwards the Global Cropland map is currently inwards the peer-review stage. Once this peer review procedure is over the information volition last released together with available to download.
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